
Client: MRIYA

Work: Rebranding strategy, Naming, Package design

«Mriya» is the most recognizable brand among the seasonings and spices category. It was necessary to refresh the brand perception and not to scare away the existing audience.

To make it easier for consumers to choose the right spice, the team categorized all the seasonings, thus making the brand’s architecture clearer. We facilitated the consumer choice by highlighting the essential product information graphically.

Having conducted marketing research the agency was able to find the style that made it possible to create the necessary lightness and atmosphere reflecting the quality and origin of herbs and spices.

We adapted the classic and well-known logo “Mriya” to the new design, which makes it more concise and still recognizable.

As a result, we managed to rejuvenile the iconic brand of herbs and spices by introducing a new identity and visual system. Hand-drawn packaging distinguishes Mriya among competitors and communicates the rediscovered brand positioning.

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