
Client: Malton
Task: Branding, Logo, Packaging Design

Malton, a leading producer and exporter in the Turkish beverage industry, approached Monami ADV to rebrand its non-alcoholic malt beverage as a premium product for Middle Eastern markets. The rebranding aimed to position the drink as an appealing option for malt enthusiasts who do not consume beer.
The project embraced the development of a new logo, the creation of labels for glass bottles, and the adaptation of the design for aluminum cans.

The concept drew inspiration from visual similarity to beer packaging. A unique custom typeface was developed, complemented by a color palette tailored to Middle Eastern markets, black and gold. The label design featured sliced fruit imagery to emphasize the taste and aroma of the drink.
The logo incorporated an image of a barley ear, reinforcing the product malt origin. Vibrant colors and distinctive visual elements make the product equally appealing to both younger and mature audiences.